Meet the staff.


Dave Graff

Lead Pastor

Dave grew up in Wheatland, a small township in southeastern Wisconsin. Raised as a pastor’s kid, he grew confused about the faith and lost his heart for the church. In 2004 after living a life of partying, and chasing the American dream he was left with the question, why am I still not happy. God spoke that day, telling him he was made to know Him and the reality of His loving grace, shown in the gospel of Jesus Christ. This became the greatest joy of his heart, and still is. He married his wonderful wife Erica and in 2010 was ordained, and started teaching the Bible. They moved to Kenosha, and planted Ecclesia Church with a group of friends just as passionate about the gospel. Today the Graffs have three girls, love Kenosha, love their church, love Jesus, and are blessed to be on His mission. Now serves as the Lead Pastor at Redeemer Parkside.


Bill daSilva

Children’s & Youth Pastor

Bill daSilva is the Children's and Youth Pastor at Redeemer Parkside. Bill grew up in Massachusetts and lived there most of his life, until he joined the Army after high school. In December of 1998, soon after returning home from his service, he gave his life to Christ. Bill served in a variety of roles in Massachusetts, including youth worker and deacon. Bill met his wife, who is from Kenosha County, in 2003 and started a family on the East Coast. God's will brought them back to Wisconsin to raise their two children and be a part of the planting of Ecclesia church. In 2023, after their oldest went off to college, God called Bill and his wife to take in another child. Bill's heart is to serve God, Redeemer Parkside, and to encourage, love and teach the body.


Deacons are responsible for overseeing the physicals and spiritual needs of the people and the church facilities.

  • Jim Lee

  • Barry Walden